In this assignment, we will develop a tool that we can use to keep track of activities (events) – a basic electronic
planner of sorts. In order to bound the scope of the assignment, you are required to build a system that:
• will be able to add events, delete events and view events either for a specific date or for seven days starting
at a specific date.
• events will be stored in an array (set maximum size for now to be 1000).
• there can only be one event for a given date and time
• sorting, deleting and retrieving events efficiently in an array will be a major topic in your third semester
Data Structures course; for now, events will be stored in an array and do not need to be sorted. This means
we will just search sequentially through the array.
• You must write a class called Event which will handle the date/actions for a single Event. All events will
contain a date (day, month, year), time (hour, minute), activity description (String).
• All input entered from the keyboard must be fully edited for valid