A law firm handles cases of two categories I.e. either minor or major. Each and every case is assigned a lawyer. The case is either open or closed. Before a case is closed, the lawyer can either win it or lose. For each case, the client should pay an amount that should be set by the law firm. The amount paid for a minor case costs the client ¾ of the amount for major cases. If a case is lost, the firm reduces the client’s pay by 10% the price for a major case. The firm is trying to evaluate the lawyers’ performance through the following criteria.
1. For every major case assigned, the lawyer gets 3 points
2. For every minor case assigned, the lawyer gets 5 points
3. For every case lost, the lawyer loses 4 points
4. For every case won. The lawyer gains 4 points
Write a java program that will enable the firm to enter the amount of money clients are supposed to pay for the major cases. The system should enable the firm to register lawyers, register new cases, register clients, close the cases that are either won
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