Speed Typing Test
In this assignment, let's build a Speed Typing Test by applying the concepts we learned till now.
Refer to the below image.
- Add HTML container element with id speedTypingTest
- Add HTML paragraph elements with id timer, quoteDisplay and result
- Add HTML textarea element with id quoteInput
- Add HTML button elements with id submitBtn and resetBtn
- Add the Bootstrap component spinner
By following the above instructions, achieve the given functionality.
- When the page is opened
- Make a HTTP request to get a random quotation
- URL: https://apis.ccbp.in/random-quote
- Display the random quotation in the HTML paragraph element with id quoteDisplay
- Start the timer and display the time in seconds in the HTML paragraph element with id timer
- When a value is entered in the HTML textarea element with id quoteInput and the HTML button element with id submitBtn is clicked
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