To create a webpages involving to a multiview and wizard controls
create a capturing system for their facilitators, using ASP.NET MVC5. The system should allow the facilitator to add a new student to the system, Edit the details of the students when needed, show the details of each student and delete a student once they drop out or de-register.
Find latitude and longitude of utmost 20 countries, ordered by population, with a population greater or equal to the population limit given below and have atleast one currency exclusively for themselves. (countries like Madagascar, Sri Lanka but not India, USA). Use the country details from this dataset.
Your task is to find the sum of the length of all lines (in kms) that can be drawn between co-ordinates of these countries.
Create a ASP Program using ADRotator component
Create a ASP Program using response and request object
Create a XML Program to create job listing
The software shall display in the format of a graph over time the number of hours spent on a module per week. The ideal calculated number of hours should also be displayed on the graph.