Take 4 value in floating point double precision and compare which one is smaller and display the output using MIPS
# MIPS assembly
EnterN: .asciiz "Enter Number "
Answer: .asciiz "\nSmaller: "
.globl main
li $v0,4 # print string
la $a0,EnterN # "Enter Number"
syscall # make the syscall print string
#reads and store the Number_1
li $v0, 7 # read Number_1 to $f0
syscall # make the syscall read double
mov.d $f14, $f0
li $v0,4 # print string
la $a0,EnterN # "Enter Number "
syscall # make the syscall print string
#reads and store the Number_2
li $v0, 7 # read Number_2 to $f0
syscall # make the syscall read double
mov.d $f16, $f0
li $v0,4 # print string
la $a0,EnterN # "Enter Number "
syscall # make the syscall print string
#reads and store the Number_3
li $v0, 7 # read Number_3 to $f0
syscall # make the syscall read double
mov.d $f18, $f0
li $v0,4 # print string
la $a0,EnterN # "Enter Number "
syscall # make the syscall print string
#reads and store the Number_4
li $v0, 7 # read Number_4 to $f0
syscall # make the syscall read double
mov.d $f20, $f0
# Smaller:
mov.d $f12, $f14 # $f12 = begining smaller
c.le.d $f12, $f16 # smaller compare with Number_2
bc1t next1 # smaller <= Number_2
mov.d $f12, $f16 # else $f12 = new smaller
c.le.d $f12, $f18 # smaller compare with Number_3
bc1t next2 # smaller <= Number_3
mov.d $f12, $f18 # else $f12 = new smaller
c.le.d $f12, $f20 # smaller compare with Number_4
bc1t smaller # smaller <= Number_4
mov.d $f12, $f20 # else $f12 = new smaller
li $v0,4 # print string
la $a0,Answer # "Smaller: "
syscall # make the syscall print string
li $v0,3 # Print
syscall # make the syscall print
li $v0, 10
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