using microsoft visual studio
With a Malaysian NRIC, you can detect a few things, namely:
State of birth
Birthdate is given in yymmdd format (the first six digits).
State of birth: the following two digits.
The following three digits are just some running numbers without much significance.
The last one digit tells you the IC holder is a male or female based on the number being
odd or even number – odd means “male”, “even” or zero means “female”.
In a form, allow the input that will accept:
The name of the person
The IC number if that person is Malaysian or a passport number if that person is
not a Malaysian
Whether that person is married, divorced or single.
The output for each input will read:
Mr. Faudzi Ahmad was born outside of Malaysia on 25 November 1965 and he is
currently 56 years old.
Ms. Roziah Kamaruddin was born in Johor on 1 January 2000 and she is currently 22
years old.
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