A sweatshirt manufacturer wants to take inventory of the college logo sweat- shirts that it has in stock. The company makes sweatshirts for seven colleges. Refer to the colleges by number, 1–7. Sweatshirts come in four sizes: small, medi- um, large, and x-large. An employee gathers the inventory information by hand. Write a program that prompts the employee to enter the number of sweatshirts in stock for each of the seven colleges in each of the four sizes. Store the inventory information in a two-dimensional array. After inputting the inventory data, the program should display an inventory report in the following format.
Inventory Report College
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
Small Medium
College Total Total Quantity On Hand
At the end of each row should be the total inventory for that size. At the bottom of each column should be total inventory of each college. The Total Quantity On Hand should be the total inventory of all sweatshirts.
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