Make me a program that accepts a random string (a series of characters). Then, look for a digit from that string and if there's at least one, print out "That one!" but if there's none, print out "No one..."
I know this is too sudden to ask you, but thank you in advance!
Tip: After your scan for the size, add a space after the placeholder like this so that the newline character directly after the number won't be scanned as one of the characters:
scanf("%d ", &size);
1. Size of the string
2. Characters of the string
The first line will contain a message prompt to input the size of the string.
The second line will prompt for the characters of the string.
The last line contains the appropriate string.
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
{ int n ;
printf("Enter·the·size: ");
scanf("%d", n);
char name[n] ;
printf("Enter·the·characters: ");
scanf("%s", &name);
// "CodeChum1sAwesome!";// printf("%s", name);
int len = strlen(name);
int i ;
for(i = 0; i<len; i++){
if(isdigit(name[i]) != 0){
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