Input of number of numbers: 3
Input number 1: 4
Input number 2: 2
Input number 3: 1
Select Number System: 1
[1] Binary
[2] Octal
[3] Hexadecimal
Select operators: A
[A] Addition
[B] Subtraction
[C] Multiplication
[D] Division
The numbers are: 4, 2, 1
The number system is: Binary
The converted number is/are: 0100, 0010, 0001
The operator is: addition
Do you want to try again? (y/n)? y
#define MAX_NUMS 100
long long bin(int n)
long long bin = 0;
int rem, i = 1;
while (n!=0) {
rem = n % 2;
n /= 2;
bin += rem * i;
i *= 10;
return bin;
int Octal(int decimalNumber)
int octalNumber = 0, i = 1;
while (decimalNumber != 0)
octalNumber += (decimalNumber % 8) * i;
decimalNumber /= 8;
i *= 10;
return octalNumber;
int main()
int Nums[MAX_NUMS];
int n,NumCount,NumSys,Ops;
printf("\n\tInput No. of numbers: "); scanf("%d",&NumCount);
printf("\n\tInput Number #%d = ",n+1); scanf("%d",&Nums[n]);
printf("\n\nPress-1 for Binary.");
printf("\nPress-2 for Octal.");
printf("\nPress-3 for Hexadecimal.");
printf("\n\tEnter Option: "); scanf("%d",&NumSys);
printf("\n\nPress-1 for Addition.");
printf("\nPress-2 for Substraction.");
printf("\nPress-3 for Multiplication.");
printf("\nPress-4 for Division.");
printf("\n\tEnter Option: "); scanf("%d",&Ops);
printf("The numbers are: ");
for(n=0;n<NumCount;n++) printf("%5d,",Nums[n]);
printf("\n\tThe operation is BINARY.");
printf("\n\tThe converted number(s) is/are: ");
for(n=0;n<NumCount;n++) printf("%lld\t",bin(Nums[n]));
printf("\n\tThe operation is OCTAL.");
for(n=0;n<NumCount;n++) printf("%d\t",octal(Nums[n]));
printf("\n\tThe operation is HEXADECIMAL.");
for(n=0;n<NumCount;n++) printf("%X\t",Nums[n]);
if(Ops==1) printf("\n\tThe operation is addition.");
if(Ops==2) printf("\n\tThe operation is substraction.");
if(Ops==3) printf("\n\tThe operation is multiplication.");
if(Ops==4) printf("\n\tThe operation is division.");
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