2. Write a simple decryption program using string functions which will apply the Substitution Method. Here is the given Substitution Table.
Substitution Table:
* A
$ E
/ I
+ O
= U
//This code tested on online compiler Lunix g++
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
char text[256];//Input text
printf("You can use only */$+=\n");
printf("Enter encrypt text: ");
fgets(text,256,stdin);//get line-text
for(unsigned i=0;i<strlen(text);i++)
//Decrypte use given table
case '*':text[i]='A';break;
case '$':text[i]='E';break;
case '/':text[i]='I';break;
case '+':text[i]='O';break;
case '=':text[i]='U';break;
printf("Decrypt text:=%s\n",text);
return 0;
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