Create a class Zero, write a function called zero_small) that has two integer arguments being passed by reference and sets the smaller of the two numbers to 0.
Runtime input:
One box have some apples and another box have some oranges, develop a C++ program to find the sum of fruits and double the sum of fruits in the box using call by address concept
Create an array of size 12. Swap values of 8th and 11th index and display the changed array on screen.
Create an array of size 30. Take 2 indexes from user as input and multiply the value on those indexes and display the answer on screen.
Create an array of size 15. Multiply even values of array with 3 and place them in the array
Create an array of size 20. Take input from the user and find the highest number from the array.
Create an array of size ten, get input from user, show odd index sum and even index sum, show array element by element
Create an array of size ten; get input from user as odd index has odd value [place a check that when user enters odd value then assign that value to the array element] and even indexes can have any value, show array element by element.
Create an array of size ten; get input from user, show only odd values in one go and then even values in one go.
Create an array of size ten; get input from user, show only odd index values in one go and then only even index values in one go.