write a pascal Program with procedure called Calculatediscount that caluculates the actual discounted price based on the day number input. the program must output the corrisponding day of the week and the price for the day?
Expert's answer
Program calculates discount depending on day of week. User inputs day number from 1 to 7 and price. Output data is day from Monday to Sunday and calculated price. price=(10-daynumber)/10*price. It means that Monday(10%),Tuesday(20%) … For example day=5 price =120 output: Friday 60.
program discount; var day :real; price :real; procedure calculatediscount(day:real;price:real); var c:string; begin if day=1 then c:='Monday' else if day=2 then c:='Tuesday' else if day=3 then c:='Wednesday' else if day=4 then c:='Thursday' else if day=5 then c:='Friday' else if day=6 then c:='Saturday' else if day=7 then c:='Sunday';
price:=(10-day)/10*price; writeln('on ',c,' price is ',price); end; begin writeln('enter a day from monday=1 to sunday=7 and price'); readln(day,price); calculatediscount(day,price); readln end.
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