6. PGA Golf Scores At a recent PGA tournament (the
Honda Classic at Palm Beach Gardens, Florida) the
following scores were posted for eight randomly
selected golfers for two consecutive days. At a 0.05,
is there evidence of a difference in mean scores for the
two days?
Golfer 12345678
Thursday 67 65 68 68 68 70 69 70
Friday 68 70 69 71 72 69 70 70
The null hypothesis that there was no difference in mean scores for the two days and tested this using a t-test.
The assumption: the populations had homogeneous variances was likely to be valid.
Select the option t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances, then entered data ranges as above and then 0 for Hypothesized Mean Difference and 0.05 for Alpha. She selected a suitable output option and then OK.
This returned a table of data as shown below.
The value of t obtained was –2.40 (row 7, ‘t stat’) and the probability of obtaining this value for a two-tailed test (row 10) was 0.0308 (or 3.08%), so we are able to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there was the difference in mean scores for the two days.
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