Functional Programming Answers

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Your task is to:

1. define the interface of the remote operations using Protocol Buffer;

  1. List the Features and Applications you want your new computer to have. Do not merely list but also elaborate on the reasons you chose that Feature or Application. For example, if the feature is storage capacity, include the technical aspect of that e.g. 250 GB and why?

The "SUPER GOODS " Pvt. Ltd. manufactures spices for the export market. In the factory, there are two machines called A and B. The following table shows a sample production of each machine in seven days. Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day 7 Production of Machine A 160 180 150 110 190 140 165 Production of Machine B 180 100 115 170 155 165 195

Write a program in pseudocode to

• Declare a two-dimensional array to store these data and get user input to load the array. • Find the total production of machine A in the entire week. • Display the highest production and name of the machine that produced it.

Task 2:

Write C++ program, with multiple functions, that reads text, txt, from the file and accepts two patterns, pat and rpat, from the user. The program replace all occurrences of pat from the txt with rpat. The program output shall be as shown below in the example.

It is lunch time in school. N students labeled from 1 to N are sitting in a row and having their lunch. Each student has a different item in his lunch box. In order to share food fast enough among each other, the ith student can exchange his food with (1/2)" student.

In how many minimum exchanges can the Ah student exchange food with the Bh student? (In the process, other students are also allowed to exchange food).

Input Specification:

input1: N, denoting the total number of student.

input2: A, denoting the student index.

input3: B, denoting the student index.

Output Specification:

Your function should return the minimum exchanges.

Suppose, there is a legacy system utilizing the Von Neumann architecture for the past twenty years of sales forecast. But due to the increasing amount of data and processing requirements, the Von Neumann Bottleneck has reduced the overall system’s performance. Among the many ways, you need to select either “in-memory processing” or providing a “cache” between the processor and main memory to overcome the Von Neumann bottleneck. The factors to be considered are cost, floating point operations, and scalability.

Your selection must be supported by logical arguments.

Set up a Finite automata(FA) which accepts the language of even length that is not divisible by 6. Use language {a,b}

set up an FA(Finite Automa) with fewer than 10 states which accept the language of even length that is not divisible by 6.

In a Fortran program, if I have set x=2.0,a=2.0, b=4.0, what is the value of y. If y=a*x+b**2/x?

Give the meaning of the following declarations;

char name [2 0] ;
int num_emp;
double tax, basicpay;
char response;
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