Write a Program to create a Class Employee It contains two attributes -> Name, Salary Create 5 objects and initialize any random values for Name and Salary to it. Store all these objects in an Array and print the names of the employees sorted in Descending Order using Comparators (Use Salary to sort the elements)
by CodeChum Admin
Do you still know what being divisible by a certain number means? In case you forgot, being divisible means that the number is capable of being divided by another number without a remainder. With this knowledge, you can surely solve this problem!
**Using a three dimensional array***
Enter a number of tables: 2
Enter a number of rows: 2
Enter a number of columns: 2
Enter 8 number of elements:
The biggest number among them is: 8
The smallest number among them is: 1
Then second to the biggest number is: 7
Write a java program to find the sum of all odd numbers between 1 to n - using do...while loop
Write a program that randomly stores 10 integer numbers (to start with) in a LinkedList object. Using this LinkedList object, implement stack and queue operations using GUI as follows: Add 2 Radio Buttons for choosing options (a) Stack and (b) Queue, and 4 JButtons (Push, Pop for Stack, and Add, Delete for Queue).
Given an input file, write a program that will read the file in a multidimensional dynamic array
of employee.
Sort the column employee name by applying each sorting algorithm in such a way that their
respective data in the rows is shifted with the names too, while sorting.
Create an educational program for children that distinguishes between vowels and
consonants as the user clicks buttons. Create 26 JButtons, each labeled with a different
letter of the alphabet. Create a JFrame to hold three JPanels in a two-by-two grid. Randomly
select eight of the 26 JButtons and place four in each of the first two JPanels. Add a JLabel to
the third JPanel. When the user clicks a JButton, the text of the JLabel identifies the button’s
letter as a vowel or consonant, and then a new randomly selected letter replaces the letter
on the JButton. Save the file as JVowelConsonant.java
Create a JFrame and set the layout to BorderLayout. In each region, place a JButton that
displays the name of a classic movie that has the region name in its title. For example, the
east button might indicate the movie East of Eden.When the user clicks the button, display
the year of the movie’s release and the name of one of its stars. Save the file as
d) Write the SQL code to delete the row for the person named William Smithfield, who was hired on June 22, 2004 and whose job code classification is 500.