The data file contains ASCII E,Q, and I intensity data. There is also error in Intensity but this would be not really important. The total number of E points are 141 and the total number of Q points are 95. This info is written in the first line. You are supposed to read these numbers first. Then Q and following E values are going to be read. After these two matrices are read, you are suppose to read the intensity data. Intensity data is going to be read Q times (meaning 95 times) from the blocks which are clearly noted in the data file. These blocks are in the same size with E so, 141 elements long. Each time when you read these intensity values, you should collect them in the I(Q,E) data matrix properly.
At the end you should have Q, E matrices which are arrays and an Intensity matrix of I(Q,E) 95x141 matrix.As the final thing you should draw the 3D figure with them.