Select two countries (excluding the United States) and prepare a short report describing their basic Internet infrastructures. Are they public or commercial? How and where do they connect to backbones within the United States
Canada: Internet use by Canada Behind the CIRA 2013 On Facebook, Canadians expend more internet time on average 45 hours a month than anybody else in the world. More online videos are accessible, with an average of 300 viewers per month in 2011. Big international pages such as Google, Facebook and YouTube are the most popular websites in Canada. The leading Canadian news media firms, who retain a large web presence, are the most famous native Canadian websites. According to Harvard researchers, owing to high prices and poor Broadband speeds, Canada has some of the lowest internet quality in OECD nations. Canada also boasts the world's highest per capita file sharers. Their services are public. Their Internet is pretty much like the United States, costly and sluggish.
Brazil: the Internet system of Brazil utilizes the highest level domain controlled by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee. In 2011, with 23,456.00 Internet hosts, Brazil placed fourth in the country. Brazil was 10th in the world in April 2012 with 48,572,160 IPv4 addresses assigned, 23.6 out of 100 residents. The Internet is a common forum for connectivity between citizens and governments. 99 percent of all income tax applications, for instance, are provided electronically. Correios departments and public-controlled teleponto operators are used as entry points, and in remote areas in particular. LAN centers, known as the LAN House anglicised, are ubiquitous and popular throughout the world. Their site is commercial. Brazil plans to withdraw the internet from US influence at the moment. To link them, Google is also trying to develop the Brazil-US fiber optic cable.
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