Suppose a list contains the following elements:
71 47 73 17 77 27 37 7
What is the order of the elements in the list after three passes when selection sort is used?
1. 7 17 73 47 77 27 37 71
2. 7 17 27 71 47 73 77 37
3. 7 17 27 47 77 73 37 71
4. 7 17 27 37 77 73 47 71
A graphic representation of an algorithm that hides the details of the algorithm and shows how
the algorithm flows from beginning to end, is called a __________.
1. Pseudocode
2. UML
3. Subroutine
4. Gantt chart
Which of the following statements regarding sorting algorithms is TRUE?
1. Insertion sort is the most efficient sorting algorithm.
2. Selection sort is more efficient than bucket sort.
3. Heap sort is less sufficient than bubblesort.
4. Merge sort is more efficient that selection sort.
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