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Physicist tell us that the lowest possible temperature is absolute zero. Absolute zero is -459.69 degrees Fahrenheit.
A. Accept inputs from the user: a beginning temperature, an ending temperature, and an increment value (all Fahrenheit)
B. Check for bad input: a temperature less than absolute zero and an ending temperature less than a beginning temperature. The program will send a message to STDERR if either conditions is detected.
Write a program called convert that converts a Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius using the following formula
C = (F - 32) / 1.8
Square the number 15 and print the result.
Calculate the volume of a room that is 12.5 Ft. long, 9.8 Ft. wide and 10.5 Ft. high
Write the following expression using a shortcut:
$y = $y + 5;
what are two other ways you could write
$x = $x + 1;
Print the average of three floating point numbers with a precision of two decimal places
Question: What will be printed? Why?

$a="no"; # assign variable

if ($a) { #Loop test for variable $results = "Yes!"; #Success?} else { #or maybe $results = "no"; #Failure}
print $results; #Let's find out
i have a .dat file(15 MB) which is basically like text file which has delimiter( | ) separated values(like comma,pipe separated values).I would like this to write these records in an excel file .I am using the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module and it works fine for small number of records.But I want to generate a single excel file for more than 38000 records.In this case it does not work because of memory management issues and i have to do it using a single excel workbook.Can you suggest some better method.
How to do find line 25 in a record?How to do subroutine for multiple xml txt files?
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