Answer to Question #171910 in Prolog for umair

Question #171910

You are to write a simple program in Prolog to find a path through a maze. Your input will consist of facts of the form

    pway(a, b, 10).

indicating that there is a passageway from intersection a to intersection b of length 10 meters. You are to write a rule

    solve(X, Y, P, N) :- ...

that will find a path P of length N (if one exists) from intersection X to intersection Y. The intent is that the user will invoke solve as a query, specifying X and Y as constants and P and N as variables.

Here is a concrete example. Suppose the database contains the following rules:

    pway(a, b, 10).
    pway(b, c, 15).
    pway(d, c, 5).
    pway(d, b, 10).

If the user types

    solve(a, d, P, N)

the Prolog interpreter might respond with

    P = [a, b, c, d]
    N = 30
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