% Process guess takes a list of codes representing the answer, a list of codes representing the current
% "display phrase" with blanks in it, and the code of the letter that was just guessed. If the guess
% was right, call substitute to put the letter in the display phrase and check for a win. Otherwise, just
% get another guess from the user.
processGuess(AnsList,BlankList,GuessName, CountFailed):-
substitute(AnsList, BlankList, GuessName, NewBlanks),
checkWin(AnsList,NewBlanks, CountFailed).
processGuess(AnsList, BlankList, _, CountFailed) :-
( CountFailed == 5
-> format('Sorry, game over. You didn\'t guess (~s)~n', [AnsList])
; write('Wrong Try Again!'),
CountFailed1 is CountFailed + 1,
getGuess(AnsList, BlankList, CountFailed1)
The main idea is to make a list where i will put all the wrong letters the user gave and check it everytime he gives another wrong letter