Create a program that will allow the user to easily manage a list of names.
You should display a menu that will allow them to add a name to the list, change a
name in the list, delete a name from the list or view all the names in the list.
There should also be a menu option to allow the user to end the program. If they
select an option that is not relevant, then it should display a suitable message.
After they made a selection to either add a name, change a name, delete a name or
view all the names, they should see the menu again without having to restart the
program. The program should be made as easy to use as possible.
choice = ''
names = []
while choice != "q":
print("\n[1] Enter 1 to add a name to the list.")
print("[2] Enter 2 to change a name in the list.")
print("[3] Enter 3 to delete a name from the list.")
print("[4] Enter 4 to view all the names in the list.")
print("[q] Enter q to quit.")
choice = input("\nWhat would you like to do? ")
if choice == '1':
print("\n Enter the name: ")
name = input()
if name in names: print("\n This name is already in the list! ")
elif choice == '2':
print("\n Enter the name: ")
name = input()
if name in names:
print("\n Enter the new Name: ")
for i in range(len(names)):
if names[i] == name:
names[i] = input()
elif choice == '3':
print("\n Enter the name: ")
name = input()
if name in names: names.remove(name)
elif choice == '4':
print(*names, sep = "\n")
elif choice == 'q':
print("Program end")
print("\nI don't understand that choice, please try again.\n")
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