There are multiple (T) bookstores in the area. Each shopkeeper has a list of B integers that represents the cost of each book. You have different pocket money(P) for each bookstore. Write a program to calculate the maximum number of books you can buy in each store with the corresponding pocket money.
Given P = 600 and B = [120, 140, 110, 180, 120, 110] with a pocket money of 600, we can buy the books at index 0,1,2,4,5 , whose sum is 120+140+110+120+110 is equal to P.
Given P = 300 and B = [120 110 1300 130] with a pocket money of 300, we can buy the books at index 0,1 whose sum is 120 + 110 and is less than P.
Given P = 100 and B = [220 1000 500 2000] with pocket money of 100, we can't buy any book. So the output should be Retry.
Sample Input1
6 100
20 40 10 80 20 10
4 70
20 10 300 30
4 200
220 1000 500 2000
Sample Output1
Sample Input2
8 250
2070 1350 365 2750 30 20 140 240
4 500
1070 2893 2200 39
Sample Output2
def main():
bookstores_count = int(input())
result = []
for _ in range(bookstores_count):
books_count, pockey_money = (int(i) for i in input().split(" "))
books_cost = [float(i) for i in input().split(" ")]
if len(books_cost) > books_count:
raise ValueError("Incorrect number of prices!")
books_cost = [i for i in books_cost if float(i) <= pockey_money]
while sum(books_cost) > pockey_money:
for i in result:
if i:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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