Anil is given a sentence s. He tries to make this sentence special. A sentence can be mads special by swapping the character with the highest frequency with character having lowest frequency in the sentence. Help anil by transfering sentence into a special sentence.
Note: upper and lower case letters are different
* If there are multiple letters with same frequency, choose lower case letter that comes earliest in dictionary order.
* If letters like X and B have same frequency consider X
If x and b have same frequency consider b.
Input: python is a programming language
Output: python is e progremming lenguega
Need correct output sir.
def char_freq(s):
"""Return the most and the list frequent characters
in the string"""
fr = {}
for ch in s:
if 'a' <= ch <= 'z' or 'A' <= ch <= 'Z':
fr[ch] = fr.get(ch, 0) + 1
max_fr = 0
min_fr = len(s)
for ch in fr:
if fr[ch] > max_fr:
max_fr = fr[ch]
max_ch = ch
if fr[ch] == max_fr and ch < max_ch:
max_ch = ch
if fr[ch] < min_fr:
min_fr = fr[ch]
min_ch = ch
if fr[ch] == min_fr and ch < min_ch:
min_ch = ch
return max_ch, min_ch
def swap_char(s, ch1, ch2):
"""Return the copy of a string s in which charcters
ch1 and ch2 are swaped"""
res = ''
for ch in s:
if ch == ch1:
res += ch2
elif ch == ch2:
res += ch1
res += ch
return res
def main():
line = input()
ch1, ch2 = char_freq(line)
res = swap_char(line, ch1, ch2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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