Q5: Create a list containing the following 3 elements:
your favorite color
the number of pets you have
a boolean value describing whether you have previous programming experience
Q6: Complete the following print and if statements by accessing the appropriate elements from my_list.
Hint: Use the list indexing notation [].
print('My favorite color is', ???) print('I have {} pet(s).'.format(???)) if ???:
print("I have previous programming experience") else:
print("I do not have previous programming experience")
Q7: Add your favorite single digit number to the end of the list using the appropriate list method.
Q8: Remove the first element of the list, using the appropriate list method.
Q9: Complete the print statement below to display the number of elements in my_list. print("The list has {} elements.".format(???))
color: str = "green"
num_of_pets: int = 0
have_prog_experience: bool = True
my_list: list = [color, num_of_pets, have_prog_experience]
print('My favorite color is', my_list[0])
print('I have {} pet(s).'.format(my_list[1]))
if my_list[2]:
print("I have previous programming experience")
print("I do not have previous programming experience")
print('My list: {}'.format(my_list))
print("My list after appending new digit number: {}".format(my_list))
print("My list after removing the first element: {}".format(my_list))
print("The list has {} elements.".format(len(my_list)))
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