Anil is given a sentence as he tries to make a sentence special a sentence can be made special by swapping the character with high frequency with the character character has low frequency in the sentence help anil by transforming the sentence into a special sentence in python
swap most frequent letter with least given a sentence swap the occurences of the most frequent with the least frequent letter and vice-versa
note: consider upper & lower case letters as different .if there are multiple letters with the same frequencies choose the lower case letter that comes earliest in dictionary order O
input: Python is a programming language
o/p: Python is e progremming lenguega
input: Check your blood preeusre frequently
o/p: Check ybur olbbd preeusre frequently
def minMaxFr(s):
D = {}
for ch in s:
if 'a' <= ch <= 'z' or 'A' <= ch <= 'Z':
D[ch] = D.get(ch, 0) + 1
minFr = len(s)+1
minCh = None
maxFr = 0
maxCh = None
for ch in D:
if D[ch] < minFr:
minFr = D[ch]
minCh = ch
elif D[ch] == minFr and ch.lower() < minCh.lower():
minCh = ch
if D[ch] > maxFr:
maxFr = D[ch]
maxCh = ch
elif D[ch] == maxFr and ch.lower() < maxCh.lower():
maxCh = ch
return minCh, maxCh
def swap(s, ch1, ch2):
res = ''
for ch in s:
if ch == ch1:
res += ch2
elif ch == ch2:
res += ch1
res += ch
return res
def main():
s = input()
chMin, chMax = minMaxFr(s)
s = swap(s, chMin, chMax)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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