You should then create 8 new threads, each one representing a (uniquely numbered) plane; the
main function should wait for all of the threads to complete and then exit. Each thread
represents an airplane, and should repeatedly follow these steps:
1. board. Waits for 12 passengers to get on the plane. Between each available passenger
boarding a random delay of between 0 and 2 seconds should be enforced. This can be
accomplished by calling sleep(rand()%3) after each passenger boards.
2. The associated plane should then be shown taxi-ing to the runway. See the provided
AirportAnimator class !
3. The associate plane should then use the runway to take off, animating such (see the
provided AirportAnimator class!) Of course, the plane should wait for exclusive access
to the runway.
4. The plane should then go on tour. This basically just sleeps for between 15 and 45
seconds, and can be accomplished by calling sleep(15+rand()%31).
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