19. Which of the following layers of an Enterprise Application could be said to be responsible for dealing with the users?
a. Presentation Tier
b. All of these answers
c. Business Tier
d. Data Tier
e. None of these answers.
20. Which of the following statements about Java EE Annotations is false?
a. They allow application settings to be visible in the source of the component they affect
b. They remove the need for marker interfaces in at least some cases
c. None of these answers.
d. They replace descriptors for most purposes.
21. Which of the following layers of an Enterprise Application could be said to be responsible for preserving the persistent objects of the application domain?
a. All of these answers
b. View Tier
c. Presentation Tier
d. None of these answers.
e. Controller Tier
16. Which of the following is true about Java EE Annotations?
a. All of these answers.
b. They allow application settings to be visible in the source of the component they affect
c. They replace deployment descriptors for most purposes.
d. It is possible to create custom annotations.
e. They remove the need for marker interfaces in at least some cases.
17. The database component bundled with the Glassfish Application Server implementation of Java EE is called
a. SQL Server
b. MySQL
c. SQL
d. Oracle
e. None of these answers
18. Which of the following is true of Java EE containers?
a. Containers are used to package the classes belonging to a JEE application
b. All of these answers
c. Each web, enterprise bean, or application client component must be assembled into a Java EE container and be deployed to the client machines
d. The Java client VM provides the container
e. None of these answers
13. Which pairing of words best represents a correpondence in the context of Java Persistence?
a. Row : Attribute
b. Column : Entity
c. Table : Entity
d. Table : Instance
e. Class : Column
14. What is an advantage of applets over web components?
a. No Java Plugin is required.
b None of these answers
c. There is better separation of design of look and feel versus implementation
d. All of these answers
e. Web Components involve some security implications that applets do not suffer from
15. Which of the following is meant to annotate a class definition in Jakarta EE?
a. All of these answers
b. @Singleton
c. @Stateful
d. @Stateless
e. None of these answers
10. Which of the following statments is true about RESTful APIs?
a. Many RESTful APIs are implemented with HTTP
b. They are implemented to adhere to the six REST constraints
c. JAX-RS is a Java EE library that supports development of RESTful APIs
d. None of these answers.
e. All of these answers.
11. Which of the following would all be considered to reside in the Data Layer?
a. None of these answers
b. EntityFacade, AbstractFacade
c. MariaDB Database, Derby Database
d. JSF Pages, Named backing bean controller for JSF Pages
e. Entity, JSF Pages
12. Which of the following would be considered to be part of the Business Layer?
a. JSF Pages, Named backing bean controller for JSF Pages
b. Entity, JSF Pages
c. MariaDB Database, Derby Database
d. Entity, Data Access Object Enterprise Java Bean (EJB)
e. None of these answers.
7. Which of the following statements is true about our use of Netbeans in this course?
a. We are using Netbeans as a code editor to create and edit source code
b. We are using Netbeans as a Java EE Application Server
c. All of these answers
d. None of these answers
e. We are using Netbeans as a database engine
8. What is a JavaBeans component?
a. A Jakarta EE component for implementing business rules
b. A Jakarta EE component that resides between the persistence layer and the JVM
c. A Jakarta component for implementing applets.
d. A Java object (POJO) that adheres to six architectural constraints.
e. None of these answers.
9. Which pairing of words best represents a correpondence in the context of Java Persistence?
a. Class : Column
b. Table : Instance
c. Field : Entity
d. Entity : Column
e. Row : Object
4. Object- Relational Mapping (ORM) deals with
a. matching each attribute of an object to its corresponding row in a database table
b. mapping objects in Object- Oriented Programming to relational data in a database
c. matching stubs of objects on a client to remote objects on a server.
d. mapping methods of client objects to remote stubs on a server.
5. Which pairing of words best represents a correpondence in the context of Java Persistence?
a. Class : Column
b. Table : Instance
c. Column : Entity
d. Object : Class
e. None of these answers.
6. Which of the following annotations applies to an Enterprise JavaBean class?
a. @Stateless
b. @Entity
c. None of these answers
d. @Id
e. @Named
1. Which of the following would all be considered part of the presentation layer?
a. Java Persistence API (JPA), java transaction API (JTA)
b. JSF Pages, Named backing bean controller
c. MariaDB Database, Derby Database
d. EntityFacade session bean, AbstractFacade
e. None of these answers
2. Which of the following is NOT an annotation in Java EE?
a. @Inject
b. @Stateful
c. None of these answers
d. @Singleton
e. @Named
3. Which of the following statements about REST is true?
a. SOAP and HTTP are two of the six architectural constraints
b. HTTP is one of the architectural constraints, but SOAP is not
c. Neither HTTP nor SOAP, even when used well, satisfy the six architectural constraints
d. HTTP, when used well, satisfies the six architectural constraints
e. None of these answers.
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5..Suppose you need to use Netbeans to create (from scratch) an Enterprise Application with a RESTful API that supports storage of Contact entities (for example) and some operations on these Contacts. Which of the following is a proper ordering of events?
a.Create Table,Create Database, Create Entity Class From Database,Create Empty Project,
b.Create Entity Class From Database, Create Database, Create Table, Create Empty Project.
c.Create Entity Class From Database, Create Empty Project, Create Table, Create Database.
d. Create Database, Create Table, Create Empty Project, Create Entity Class From Database.
1.Suppose you need to use Netbeans to build (from scratch) an Enterprise Application with a RESTful API to support operations on some kind of Entity stored in a database. Which of the following is a proper ordering of events?
a. Create Empty Project, Create Entity Class From Database, Create Table, Create Database
b. Create Empty Project, Create Database, Create Table, Create Entity Class From Database
c. Create Table, Create Empty Project, Create Database, Create Entity Class From Database
d.Create Empty Project, Create Table, Create Database, Create Entity Class From Database