From what point of view is the work written (Marx, Durkheim and/or Weber)? How well has the book
achieved its goal? Use specific references and quotations to support your statements .(book is ''Brave New World'' Aldous Haxley"")
Brave New World, written by Aldous Huxley, is about the advancement of science as it affects human individuals; technology used to control the society; Consumer Society; Incompatibility of Happiness and Truth; Dangers of an All-Powerful State and on the dangers of genetic engineering. Brave New World warns of the dangers of giving the state control over new and powerful technologies. The brave new world is an imaginary technology-based society that is unkind and lacks creativity; an example of the brave new world is a future where people are entirely reliant on machines and computers and no more extended care for each other.
Brave New World was banned and not welcomed by many nations. It was published in 1932 by Chatto and Windus, London, and was named a prohibited import on 12 October of that year. Only one other nation also banned Brave New World; Ireland missed the irony central to the novel to label it anti-religion, anti-family, and extremely blasphemous. But it has a humanistic, profound, and enlightened view of how society should be and what constitutes true happiness. It can be considered a classic of the 20th century.
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