Evaluate the usefulness and relevance of the key concepts and the history of the capitalist labour process to contemporary issues in the study of the labour process.
the capitalist labor process is that specific form of the collective worker based on the machine in which capital, having a monopoly of knowledge and power over the relations between labor and the means of production, uses this power, this real domination, in order to enforce the objective of valorization. The division of labor is a specifically capitalist form of social production; it is a way of creating surplus value at the expense of the worker. It is both a necessary part of civilization's progress and a more refined way to exploit workers. The labor process theory looks at how people work, who controls their work, what skills they use in work, and how they are paid for work.
The division of labor meant that a worker specialized in performing one task that was part of a larger series of tasks, at the end of which a product would be produced. The idea of specialization of labor had several important outcomes. Firstly, specialization drastically reduced the cost of goods.
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