When was max weber born?
Consider some of the specific issues or concerns of your generation. What subcultures have emerged from your generation? How have the issues of your generation expressed themselves culturally?
Sociology is a science. Give two reasons to support your answer
Is the state remains to be relevant and the process and structures of globalization?
Make a presentation on the topic "Drugs and Drug Addiction".
The report should contain these formats.
1. Cover Page
2. Acknowledgement
3. Table of Contents
4. Executive Summary
5. Introduction of the Sociological Issue
a. Sociological Issue
b. Possible Root Causes of the Issue
c. Negative Effects on the Society
d. Future Effects on Society if unresolved
6. Resolution of the Issue
a. Possible Ways to reduce the issue (Individually and on National Level both)
b. Positive Effects on Society if solution implemented
c. Future Effects on Society if issue is resolved
7. Conclusion
8. Bibliography
What norms are operating in your classroom, dorm, or apartment? What negative sanctions have you observed when these norms have been violated?
Robert Putnam argues that television detracts from social interaction and the general level of citizen involvement. But among young people today, some television time has given
way to time spent online. Is sitting in front of a computer screen different from sitting in front of a TV screen? How does the Internet affect social interaction?
Define and give two example of each concept
cultural hegemony
cultural appreciation
Apply renewable and non renewable resources in relationship to man and his environment
"The impact of technology on society can be likened to a
balance sheet with debit and credit entries." In the light of
this statement, explain the relationship between technology
and crime combat and surge in your country of choice.
Support your answer with concrete evidence