which of the following staements is true for exocytosis?
a. it halps in th eintake off large materials by the cell
b. it occurs without the help of any organelle
c. it is a form of active tranport
d. it does not require energy
which of the following statements is true for endocytosis?
a. it does not require energy
b. it helps in the intake of large materials by the cell
c. it occurs without the help of any cell organelle
d. it is a form of passive transport
write a paragraph expressing what do you think will happen if there is no bulk transport in our body.
What is biology?
Discuss the effect of wave and current on inorganic ion on fresh water system
Discuss the effect of wave and current on carbon dioxide
Discuss the effect of wave and current on dissolved oxygen
Discuss the effect of wave and current on subtractum
Explain what organismic development means?
what muscle controls the elimination of urine from the urinary bladder