Elaborate on any five (5) Tbilisi principles for environmental education and comment on their relevance in current times.
Tbilisi principles were adopted by a conference of intergovernmental which was aimed at preserving the world's environment through environmental education. These principles include;
1) Consider the environment in its totality to include natural, artificial, technological, ecological, moral, and aesthetic concerns. It's relevance lies in focusing on all elements of environment.
2) To consider a continuous life process.
3) To be interdisciplinary in approach. Environmental education should bring about a closer link between educational processes and real life, building its activities around the environmental problems that are faced by particular communities and focusing analysis on these by means of an interdisciplinary, comprehensive approach which will permit a proper understanding of environmental problems.
4) To focus on current, potential environmental situations. Environmental education should, in this regard, help to develop a sense of responsibility and solidarity among countries and regions as the foundation for a new international order which will guarantee the conservation and improvement of the environment.
5) To emphasize active participation in prevention and control of pollution.
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