Let ∅: G → H be a group homomorphism. Show that ∅ is one-to-one if and only if ∅^(-1)(e) = {e}
Expert's answer
Suppose f is one-to-one, that is if f(a)=f(b) then a=b. We should prove that f^(-1)(e) = {e}. Indeed, suppose that f^{-1}(e) contains some other element a distinct from e, so f(a)=f(e)=e. Since f is one-to-one, we get that a=e, which contradicts to the assumption that a<>e. Thus f^(-1)(e) = {e}.
Conversely, suppose f^(-1)(e) = {e}. Suppose also that there are two elements a,b from G such that f(a)=f(b). We should prove that a=b.
Indeed, since f(a)=f(b), it follows that e = f(a) f(b)^{-1} = f(ab^{-1}), that is ab^{-1} belongs to f^(-1)(e) = {e}. This means that ab^{-1} = e and so
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