What is the name of the baTswana indigenous decision-making structure that is likened to parl
iament (study guide; de Jager and Sebudubudu, 2017, prescribed e-reserve article)?
1. Tshekatshekô (discussion)
2. Bokôpanô (meeting)
3. Legae (home village)
4. Lekgotla (court or public meeting)
According to Bwalya and Sichone (2018, prescribed e-reserve article), intra-party conflicts are:
1. Just as destabilising as inter-party conflicts at the party and national levels.
2. Less destabilising than inter-party conflicts at the party and national levels.
3. More destabilising than inter-party conflicts at the party and national levels.
4. More destabilising at the local level and less destabilising at the national level.
Question 6: Lekgotla (court or public meeting
Question 7: Just as destabilising as inter-party conflicts at the party and national levels.
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