4. COMBINED CORRECTION. A 50m steel tape is of standard length under a pull of 5.50kg and a temperature of 20°C when supported throughout its entire length. The tape weighs 0.05kg/m, has a cross-sectional area of 0.04 cm.sq and a modulus of elasticity of 2x10^6 kg/cm^2. This tape was used in the field to measure a distance that was determined to be 458.650. The constant pull applied was 8kg with the tape supported only at endpoints. During the measurement the temperature was observed to be at an average of 18°C. Use C 11.6 10 / 6
a. Determine the correction due to tension.
b. Determine the correction due to change in temperature.
c. Determine the correction due to sag.
d. Determine the correct length of the line.
All the four sub-parts are given in the table below:
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