Let "f:R\u2192S" is a ring homomorphism between two rings with unity "R" and "S" . Consider the map"f+1: R\\to S, (f+1) (r) =f(r) +1."
Since "f" is a homomorphism, "(f+1)(r+s)=f(r+s)+1=f(r)+f(s)+1". Since "S" is Abelian group according to addition operation, we conclude that
"(f+1)(r)+(f+1)(s)=f(r)+1+f(s)+1=f(r)+f(s)+1+1". If "(f+1)(r+s)=(f+1)(r)+(f+1)(s)", then "f(r)+f(s)+1=f(r)+f(s)+1+1". Using left cancelation law in Abelian group of a ring, we obtain that "1=0", and then "s=s\\cdot 1=s\\cdot 0=0" for any "s\\in S". Therefore, if "f+1: R\\to S" is a ring homomorphism, then "S=\\{0\\}" is a trivial ring. If "S" is a non-trivial ring, then "f+1: R\\to S" is not a homomorphism.
Answer: false
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