Prove that every non-trivial subgroup of a cyclic group has finite index. Hence prove that (Q, +) is not cyclic.
Let, "G" be a finite group of order "pq" , where "p<q" are primes.
Recall that the number "t_q" of sylow "q" -subgroup of "G"
satisfies "\\frac{t_q}{p}" and "t_q=1"
"if\\space t_q\\not=1"
Then, "t_q\\geqslant q+1>p" which contradicts the "\\frac{t_q}{p}."
Thus "t_q=1"
Then G has normal sylow q-subgroup Q
we have "\\frac{t_q}{p}"
and "t_q=1"
The first condition implies that "t_p=1" or "t_p=q"
The latter case implies that "q=1" which is excluded by our assumption that "p=q-1"
Thus, "t_p=1\\space and \\space G" has a normal sylow p-subgroup p.
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