Group or not group? The set of Mnxn (R) of all nxn matrices under multiplication.
Question. Group or not group? The set of Mnxn (R) of all nxn matrices under multiplication.
Answer. This set is not a group under multiplication.
Proof. Let "A\\in M_{n\\times n}(R)", "A=\\begin{pmatrix}\n 0 & 0 & \\dots & 0 \\\\\n 0 & 0 & \\dots & 0 \\\\\n \\dots & \\dots & \\dots & \\dots \\\\\n 0 & 0 & \\dots & 0\n\\end{pmatrix}".
Suppose that matrix "A" is invertible (there exists an "B\\in M_{n\\times n}(R)", such that "A\\cdot B=B\\cdot A=I_n").
On the another hand, for every matrix "C\\in M_{n\\times n}(R)" we have "A\\cdot C=C\\cdot A=0".
Therefore, in the set of all matrices "n\\times n" there exists a non-invertible matrix, so "M_{n\\times n}(R)" isn't a group.
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