1. Which of the following statements are true and which are false? Give a short proof or a
counter example in support of your answer. (10)
(a) The optimal solution for the following LPP is 30 :
Z =
Max 1 2 3 3 Z = x − x + x
Subject to x1 + x2 + x3 ≤10
, x2
, x3 ≥ .0
(b) The optimal solution of an ILLP can be obtained by rounding off the optimal solution
of its LP relaxation.
(c) If the availabilities and requirements of a balanced transportation problem are
integers, the optimal solution to the problem will have integer values.
(d) The following max /3/4 F / F problem can be reduced to a machine problem.
Processing time on
M1 M2 M3
1 8 6 10
2 5 2 13
3 4 11 11
4 6 7 10
(e) For the mixed generator rn+1 = 5( rn + )7 (mod ),8 if r0 = ,4 then 3
r is zero.
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