From a lighthouse L an aircraft carrier A is 15km away on a bearing of 112 degrees and a submarine S is 26 km away on a bearing of 200 degrees. Find
a) the distance between A and S
b) the bearing of A from S
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Assignment Expert
24.08.20, 15:20
Dear Abdullah, we tried to explain each step in a solution of the
24.08.20, 12:30
My concept in bearings is really bad and while practicing it i got
stuck on many questions but one of them is this one. I need a proper
explanation on this topic as my im giving IGCSE exams in a few
months... my maths teacher isnt that good and i need and explanation
for the figure in this question, if anyone could help me out it would
really b much appreciated.
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Dear Abdullah, we tried to explain each step in a solution of the question.
My concept in bearings is really bad and while practicing it i got stuck on many questions but one of them is this one. I need a proper explanation on this topic as my im giving IGCSE exams in a few months... my maths teacher isnt that good and i need and explanation for the figure in this question, if anyone could help me out it would really b much appreciated.
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