"\\text{Let AB segment denoting the position of a woman.}"
"AB = 5'6''"
"A(0,5'6'') \\text{ -point head position}"
"B(0,0)\\text{- point leg position}"
"E(0,E_y)\\text{-point eye position}"
"CD\\text{ segment indicating the position of the mirror}"
"\\text {Let's draw the bisector }CT \\vartriangle ACE"
"\u0421T \\text{ is also the height of the triangle, therefore}"
"C_y = A_y-\\frac{AE}{2}"
"\\text {Let's draw the bisector }DL \\vartriangle BDE"
"DL \\text{ is also the height of the triangle, therefore}"
"D_y = \\frac{BE}{2}"
"\\text{The maximum possible eye point is point } A"
"C_y = A_y=5'6''"
"D_y = \\frac{AB}{2}= 2''9'"
"CD = 2''9'"
"\\text{Answer: mirror length -}2''9'"
"\\text{mirror height above floor level - }2''9'"
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