Consider Harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian in 2-D
(Px)^2/2+(py) ^2/2+x2/2+y^2/2+lamda×x×y
Find the ground state energy and energy of first exited state
The Harmonic Oscillator Hamiltonian is given by,
"H = \\frac{p^2}{2m} + \\frac{1}{2} m^2 x^2"
The differential equation to be solved is given as -
"[\\frac{(\\bar{h})^2}{ 2m}] \\frac{d^2 u }{ dx^2 }+ (0.5) m ^2 x^2 u = E u"
The energy eigenvalues are given by,
En = (n + \frac{1}{2}) hbar
for n = 0, 1, 2, ...There are a countably infinite number of solutions with equal energy spacing.
The ground state wave function is given as :
"u_o (x) = (\\frac{m }{ hbar})^\\frac{1}{4}e^{-m x^2 \/ 2 hbar}"
This is a Gaussian (minimum uncertainty) distribution.
The first excited state is an odd parity state, with a first-order polynomial multiplying the same Gaussian.
"u_1 (x) = (\\frac{m }{ hbar})^\\frac{1}{4}\\frac{2m}{2 hbar}e^{-2m \/ 2 hbar}"
The second excited state is even parity, with a second order polynomial multiplying the same Gaussian.
"u_2 (x) =C(1- \\frac{2mx^2}{ hbar})e^{-2mx^2\/ 2 hbar}"
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