Collect clippings and paste into your catleya about the steps that has government undertaken to solve the effects of globalization in our country.
Answer the following questions:
As a student, what programs can you suggest to help to solve the effects of globalization in our country?
What can you say about the effect of globalization on the following: Write and explain your answer briefly.
Improvement of the agriculture industry
Improvement of energy
Utilizing of raw materials found in the country
Improvement of small and medium scale industries
(a) The effects of globalization can be solved through innovation which will increase individual household income but may not necessarily decrease inequality targeted education is needed to transition.
(b) Attraction of global market resulted in farmers shifting from traditional or mixed cropping to unsustainable cropping practices. The competition from cheaper imports pushed down the prices of crops like cotton, wheat and many others making agriculture unsustainable for many farmers. Globalization enabled greater access to technological advancements in agriculture, including high yield varieties, genetically modified crops and micro-irrigation techniques. Foreign investments in agriculture in contract farming, cold storage and food processing have helped farmers. Access to foreign markets has greatly boosted Indian agricultural exports. Globalization also helped improve food productivity and production and helped transform rural agrarian societies. It has empowered the farmers to understand, reach out and compete in global markets. The new technologies, especially in irrigation, helped in addressing rural water stress and keeping agriculture viable. It has also helped change the agrarian society’s attitudes towards new technologies in farming.
(c) Stimulatingly, the findings indicate that globalization is positively connected with energy consumption in the long-term across the globe. Furthermore, globalization shares a robust long-term relationship with energy consumption. Energy consumption is strongly related to globalization in the long-term. Through globalization new ways of producing energy have come up leading to its improvement.
(d) Because of globalization, raw materials are routinely sourced from, and shipped to, many places around the country. Therefore, globalization continues to make possible the worldwide exchange of new technologies, finished goods and even new ideas.
(e) The effect of globalization on small and medium enterprises has received a lot of attention in international circles in the past few years. Globalization has led to greater employment opportunities and reduces poverty level generally; identify factors that hinder the ability of small-scale business to be globally integrated and determine strategies to be adopted to facilitate the quick integration of small-scale firms into the globalized economic world.
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