create a new class named "RandomHelper" which contains the following ;
1. A static member called randint that accept two integer and return a random integer between them. Make sure that the numbers are inclusive (i.e. if you call randomint(1,10) you should be able to generate both 1 and 10.
2.A static method called randdouble that accept two integer and returns a random double between them.for this method you should be able to generate number such that 1<=x<10 for the method call randdouble(1,10)
3.Call your method for another call without instantiating the class ( it just you would call math.Random() since your method are defined to be static)
using System;
class RandomHelper
public static int RandInt(int start, int end)
var rand = new Random();
return rand.Next(start, end);
public static double RandDouble(double start, double end)
var rand = new Random();
return rand.NextDouble() * end + start;
class Program
static void Main(String[] args)
Console.WriteLine(RandomHelper.RandDouble(RandomHelper.RandInt(1, 10), RandomHelper.RandInt(1, 10)));
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