The vowel checker was written to check whether or not a selected vowel appears in the name that is entered in the Edit component. RadioButtons are used to select the vowel.
An Edit component is used to input the name. The btnCheck and btnLength are initially disabled. The btnConvert removes the blanks and converts the string in the Edit component to UpperCase. The btnCheck will determine the position of the selected vowel, and assign the result to the caption of lblResult. The btnLength will determine the number of characters in the Edit component. If there are less than 5 the form colour is changed to red, less than 10 the colour changes to green, less than 20 the colour changes to blue and 20 or more the colour changes to yellow. The btnReset changes the form as given above.
a. Write the code for the event handler for the OnClick event of btnConvert. (5)
b. Write the code for the event handler for the OnClick event of btnReset. (5)
c. Write the code for event handler for the OnClick event of btnCheck so that the number of occurrences of the selected vowel are counted and displayed. (10)
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