A company manufactures three products: Engines, Pumps and Fans. They give a discount
of 10% on order for engines if the order is for Rs.5,000 or more. The same discount of
10% is given on pump orders of values of Rs.2,000 or more and on fan orders for
Rs.1,000 or more. On all other orders they do not give any discount.
engin = input('Engines order: ');
enginDiscount = 0;
if engin >= 5000
enginDiscount = 0.1 * engin;
pump = input('Pump order: ');
pumpDiscount = 0;
if pump >= 2000
pumpDiscount = 0.1*pump;
fun = input('Fun order: ');
funDiscount = 0;
if fun >= 1000
funDiscount = 0.1*fun;
fprintf("Engines: Rs.%.2f discount Rs.%.2f\n", engin, enginDiscount);
fprintf("Pumps: Rs.%.2f discount Rs.%.2f\n", pump, pumpDiscount);
fprintf("Funs: Rs.%.2f discount Rs.%.2f\n", fun, funDiscount);
total = engin + pump + fun;
totalDiscount = enginDiscount + pumpDiscount + funDiscount;
fprintf("Total: Rs.%.2f total discount Rs.%.2f\n", total, totalDiscount);
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