write a program that finds a number of elements in an array without using built-in features
Given code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// NOTE: Do not edit this
char location[100] = "CodeChumIsLoveAndProgrammingAsWellYey";
Enter the address: 1
Place at index 1 is o
write a program to accept 10 integers to an array and perform the below actions
1) Print the elements in descending order
2) find the Min value, Max value entered
3) print the the sum we get after adding all the numbers in the array
Enter string: Philippines
Given code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// NOTE: Do not change this
const char others[100] = "TheQuIckBrownFoxJumpedOvErTheLazyDog";
char myself;
// TODO: Ask the user for the value of `myself`
Sample input:
Enter myself: T
by CodeChum Admin
I always want to look at the positive side of things, so I decide to seriously look at positive numbers, too!
Will you code along with me?
Multiple lines containing an integer on each.
A line containing an integer.
The outer if-else statement checks the type of day, and the nested if-else statements check the hour of travel.
Make a list contain any 4 names and also using for loop to print this list and please print the last string in the list
A number is Expensive if the number of digits of its prime factorization (including exponents greater than 1) is greater than the total digits of the number itself. Given an integer Implement a function that returns a string: If the number of digits of the prime factorization (including exponents greater than 1) is equal to the number of digits of N print Equal If the number of digits of the prime factorization (including exponents greater than 1) is lower than the number of digits of N print Cheap print None of the above if none of the two above conditions is true
Yash has a sequence of 26 distinct integers P = (P₁, P2, ..., P26)
consisting of integers from 1 to 26. He constructs a string
S following the below rule:
• For every i where (1 <=i<= 26), the i-th character of
S is the lowercase English letter at comes P₁-th in
alphabetical order.
Your task is to output the resultant string S