Microbiology Answers

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highlight the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of DNA and RNA vaccines

Using thermodynamic theory as a foundation, devise and comment on what you consider to be a good rationale for responsible consumerism.

Smear preparation

what is atypical fungi like agent ?

Enumerate different types of cell renewal and give example for each

1)List which disease each bacteria are capable of causing.

2) explain three(3) ways bacteria will grow.

3) list four different types of hepatitis and note if each is airborne,blood borne or fecal/oral.

Ana wants to engineer a super archaea which can survive and thrive in extremely hot and hypersaline water. What characteristics should she use to achieve the organism? Provide at least 3.

You need to identify structures within a cell using a microscope. However, the image appears very blurry even

though you have a high magnification. What are some things that you could try to improve the resolution of the

image? Describe the most basic factors that affect resolution when you first put the slide onto the stage; then considermore specific factors that could affect resolution for 40⨯ and 100⨯ lenses.

What are the ways that microbes gain resistance to ant6i-microbial reagents?

Describe three hypotheses proposed to account for the decline in cell numbers during the

death phase of a growth curve

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