Write MATLAB built in functions of the following functions. Sine Cosine Tangent inverse sine inverse cosine inverse tangent Exponential diagonal components of a matrix the n by m matrix consisting of all zero the n by m matrix consisting of all one eigen values /eigen vectors of a matrix used to solve a set of linear algebraic equation
sind(x)- sine function of x in degrees
cosd(x)-cosine function of x in degrees
tand(x)- tangent function of x in degrees
asind(x)- inverse sine function of x in degrees
acosd(x)- inverse cosine function of x in degrees
atand(x)- inverse tangent function of x in degrees
exp(x)- exponential value of number x
diag(x)- the diagonal of a matrix x
zeros(N)- Zeros of matrix N by N
eig(x)- eigen value and vector of matrix x
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